Smart Secretary is a DO NOT DISTURB (DND) application designed for busy modes. Flight Mode in your phone only covers one busy situation, while Smart Secretary handles all busy modes like SLEEPING, MEETING, PRAYING, PLAYING and many more. Smart Secretary sets your phone to VIBRATE mode when busy mode starts and revert it back when ends. In Busy Mode if someone calls you, this app will reject his first time call and inform him that you are busy as per your defined app settings.
You can set automatic answering of calls in the scheduled busy mode in three different ways:
You can create a new planned busy mode with a title, Description (for SMS), Start and End Timings and Start and End Sounds. This way you can define as many busy modes as you want until not in timing conflict with another busy mode. The caller will get a response like
“I am sleeping, Please call after 6:00 AM. Thanks, Yusuf’s Secretary”
JUST BUSY MODES (One Click Start)
While starting a DRIVING, MEETING, or PLAYING without planning, Use this way to select expected busy duration and click Start like a STOP WATCH. The caller can be responded with
“I am busy right now, please call after 2:00 PM. Thanks, Yusuf’s Secretary”
Based on your location and timing daily prayers timing are automatically calculated by built-in Prayers Calculator and then your defined JAMA TIMINGS are adjusted accordingly. You will rarely need to update Prayers busy modes, because they are adjusted automatically. Can easily be disabled form App Settings. The caller can be informed with
“Praying Asr, Please call after 6:00 PM. Thanks, Yusuf’s Secretary”